Rules For Selling Items On The Forum (Strict)
Only subscribed members with a minimum of one months membership and 10 posts may place an item for sale in the classified section
• In addition to the above. can now offer temporary access to the classified section for x members and/or previous long term members with a minimum of 100 posts who are known to the forum who are wishing to sell their car or parts after first contacting one of the admin/mod team to grant or deny access where a decision will be made. In all cases, ANY CARS FOR SALE MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH EVIDENTIAL PHOTOS ie: to show good/bad points etc
• All items posted for sale must be accompanied by a full and honest description of the item and it's condition, including photo/s.. The item name and model number if available should be in the thread title
•You must state a price you will accept in your advert. You can state "ONO" or "close offers" etc if you wish, but just putting "best offer" will lead to your thread being locked or deleted. "PM for price" is no longer acceptable. Decide what you will take for it and post it.
• All ads will be removed after one calendar month unless the original poster amends the ad with an extension to the date
• Admin and mods will not tolerate any thread hijacking. Any user that hijacks a thread with an item for sale will have their post removed and a note placed on their profile. Multiple breaches of this rule will result in a warning or ban.
•If you don't like the price someone wants, move on. If you're not interested, don't bother posting. "That price is too high" comments will be deleted and warned "I can get them on ebay for less" comments will be deleted and warned.
• Any off topic posts will be deleted without warning or explanation.
•We do not accept sale by proxy ie. This is not a FREE ads site.
•If you want a long term selling Item (stickers for example) contact Admin to have the thread added on the home page. If you want a group buy you should also contact Admin for permission to add to the group buy section.
• and it's owners accept no responsibility for items posted for sale on the forum.