Seeing as how the weather has taken a turn for the better, at least it has around my area, I took the opportunity to crack on and fit some of the bits and pieces that I have accumulated over the passed few weeks. Here are a few pictures of the outcome.
SGS Gas Struts fitted to bonnet.
Strut showing model number used.
Rear light covers fitted at last.
Visteon style bonnet scoop fitted.
The GOLD mesh in the Visteon style scoop really looks great on the green Cat especially with the Gold Cougar head logo on the grill and the other Gold emblems I still have to fit. Seriously thinking of doing my upper grill with the same Gold mesh.
Rear wiper mod. Managed to get this one off of a Nissan Primera in a local scrappie. Think it needs a new blade though.
Nice little set of theft proof chrome dust caps and sleeves with the Mercury flying M logo and Mercury on them. They are metal and if you try to remove them without the proper tool, they just spin round.
Set of Cougar head logo wheel centres. The wolfrace ones that were on the wheels were a bit of a pig to get off.
All in all I am quite pleased with the days proceedings, but, I still have quite a few more bits and pieces to get fitted. Let's hope the weather holds for a few more days at least.
SGS Gas Struts fitted to bonnet.
Strut showing model number used.
Rear light covers fitted at last.
Visteon style bonnet scoop fitted.
The GOLD mesh in the Visteon style scoop really looks great on the green Cat especially with the Gold Cougar head logo on the grill and the other Gold emblems I still have to fit. Seriously thinking of doing my upper grill with the same Gold mesh.
Rear wiper mod. Managed to get this one off of a Nissan Primera in a local scrappie. Think it needs a new blade though.
Nice little set of theft proof chrome dust caps and sleeves with the Mercury flying M logo and Mercury on them. They are metal and if you try to remove them without the proper tool, they just spin round.
Set of Cougar head logo wheel centres. The wolfrace ones that were on the wheels were a bit of a pig to get off.
All in all I am quite pleased with the days proceedings, but, I still have quite a few more bits and pieces to get fitted. Let's hope the weather holds for a few more days at least.
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