How's Kully?

Get well soon Kully mate..stick to the quacks advice and get your rest.
Some people dismiss "stress" as not being a real or serious medical condition..i know from personal experience how bad it can be.
Glad to hear you are feeling ok now and on the mend.

Keep your chin up, It can only get better from here eh

Best wishes from me and Maxine
Feet up Kully and try and get some stress free time for yourselves. Hope you are bouncing back to good health soon, love to Becky.


A rather unfortunate turn of phrase after Tony tried to cripple him at cougarfest!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
OMG!!! Only just got to get onto UKC and I come across this. Kully, mate, sorry to hear your news and hope that your back on the fast road to recovery. I've been busy pulling double shifts at work, so not been on for a while nor been on FB. Anyway, all my best to you and Becky and hope to see you in the near future. If there is anything I can help with, then I will certainly do my utmost for you. I know about hearts - I have a dodgy one myself as you know, so have to be careful with what I do. So, mate you being so much younger than me is a bit of a shock. Get well soon dude.
No worries Tim, the biggest shock was to me lol, the NHS actually employ some half decent looking nurses!! :)

So out of the weekend Things aren't so bad. Just feel a little "winded" for want of a better word at times. Still, these jobs aren't gonna do themselves! Thanks for all the kind words people, means a lot! Also shows again that this isn't just any Car Owners Forum, it's UKCougar Forum :)
Yes Matt, I saw his pics and posts on Facebook. Gotta be honest though he might have wanted to start a thread himself being the proud dad! I could be wrong and he may not mind. When mines born though, I want all the announcements to be by me and not anyone else. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.