One way of fixing it! OHC service light.

It was driving wasnt it?? :LOL:


lmfao ;-D
You mean you have to reset it so the spanner light goes off!!!
What kind of car is this, doesn't it know i serviced it last week?

Thought it was taking a while to shut off.
Crazy thing is to get you to spend more money by going to a main dealer, it doesn't describe in the manual how to reset the service light it just says

They must of changed the manuals then Matt; the 1998 one gives the instructions of how to do it.
Interesting, i'll double check (I do know how to do it) of interest the manual I have, also has no instructions on how to change the bulb in the Fog lights, just a similar quote about letting your dealer change these bulbs.
I'm sure both my C1 and C2 manuals tell you how to reset the service light.
I think the C2 manual refers you to a dealer for the fog lights bulbs because they (and the lights) can only be removed from behind which means removing the splash guard. C1 fogs can be removed from the front.