Cougar? Pretty sure t is.


Club Member
Feb 6, 2011
Milton Keynes
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Could well be, has that roofline - maybe it's the low resolution and compression making the headlights look wrong. :unsure:
I did wonder about that, Dan.

I think I was bamboozled by the chunkiness of the rump, but it absolutely looks like a pre-facelift 2nd generation Eclipse.
Dan, the US is the only place on earth where you can line up these two beasts together! Do you have any pics of your Cougars next to an eclipse? Would be interesting to see the differences! Always loved that green eclipse from the first fast and furious, ever since I first saw the movie when I was a kid!

Would love to see one in person one day!
Not that I can think of off the top of my head.

When I was in the army years ago one of the guys had a black eclipse I used to park the black cougar beside every day.

If I happen to run across one in the future I'll see what I can do. The eclipses I haven't been noticing alot lately either so its a broad chance it'll happen any time soon.
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