I'm a Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Helena Isabelle Twigger was born at 03:44 on the 23rd December 2007.

She weighed in at 8lb 2.5oz

Mother and baby are both doing very well and hopefully they will be returning home on Boxing Day.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Ian :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


8) 8) 8) Congratulations Z bet you're seriously chuffed, you do realise your christmas budget has just doubled :wink:
Well done Ian, both to you and your the wife.....Great news at Xmas time as well, the perfect present.

All the best mate :D
CONGRATS!!! What a great pressie Ian!! Hope Mrs Z is well too and your new lovely duaghter settles into her home nicely! All the best mate :wink:
Great news Ian - many congratulations to you and Lucy.

I take it you cooked Christmas dinner this year. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :D :D
Aussiecat said:
Great news Ian - many congratulations to you and Lucy.

I take it you cooked Christmas dinner this year. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :D :D

No, thats what Mother-in-Laws are for. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Thanks for all the kind comments guys, sadly Helena had lost too much of her birth weight and the Midwife wasn't prepared to take any chances so she re-admited both Lucy & Helena yesterday.

Its just precautionary and they are putting Helena on a increased diet, it has already paid dividends, She has put on about 4oz in 24hrs and is now sleeping nicely between feeds.

Understandably Lucy is a bit down at having to be back in hospital and she was very upset this evening but she knows it the best place for her and Helena to be right now.

Just a quick update. Lucy & Helena are both home again. Helena has put on 5oz in 2 days and is feeding & sleeping much better.

Good news all round. :D

Happy New Year to you all.
