Impromptu Harrier landing. Does anyone remember this?

It seems harsh that he saved the aircraft and was rewarded with a desk job, hopefully he went onto a decent career.
Interesting stuff, I don’t recall any TV news of it at the time but it was a good while back.
This reminds me of the Lowestoft Airshow many years ago. We were sitting on the north side of the Claremont Pier and the Harrier was just finishing its routine with the 'Bow to the audience', easily visible to the south. Unfortunately, due to the wind direction, turbulence etc., it took in too much of its own exhaust and flamed out. The sudden loss of jet sound made everyone look up as the plane dropped into the sea about 100m out followed by a loud splash and a single parachute above. The jet ended up half submerged and the rest is history. Interestingly, the following disagree with what was reported at the time. Choking on their own exhaust has often been reported as a risk with these planes - has it not ?

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