Lets have some fun!! UK Cougar Photo Competition (No prizes)


Well-known user
Sep 9, 2004
Chichester - Well....close enough!
OK. This thread is a complete rip off from NECO, but it seems like a good idea so lets see what we can do. I have changed some of the challanges and so as NOT to ruin it, no jumping onto NECO and just copy and pasting the photo they have used.

Lets see if we can do this with only UK Cougars and only 1 piccie per post !

First person starts by posting the picture of current challenge and quotes the the next challenge IN NUMERICAL ORDER to be posted. Please no irrelevant rambling posts. Lets try to get as many pics as possible without getting the thread shut down due to 100+ posts.

1: on axle stands with all wheels removed..........
2: with a teddy bear..........
3: playing in the snow..........
4: burning out..........
5: in the mountains/highlands..........
6: In your garage
7: in a bodyshop..........
8: on a track..........
9: Your Cougar in front of an art museum..........
10: in a multi storey car park.........
11: you in your Cougar engine bay.........
12: of your Dirty/filthy car.........
13: getting a car wash.........
14: on a trolley jack..........
15: next to an exotic.........
16: next to another Cougar..........
17: next to a national monument..........
18: Your Cougar on a dirt road
19: beside a police car..........
20: underneath (full bottom shot of the chassis) you car..........
21: at a sporting event..........
22: at a car meet..........
23: on a flatbed..........
24: in deep snow..........
25: hauling cargo..........
26: at a petrol station..........
27: next to the same Cougar as yours (same body style, color, and trunk)..........
28: Most Cougars that fit in a single driveway
29: by the beach..........
30: next to or with an airplane in the background..........
31: with your pet..........
32: with a flower..........
33: next to an Evo..........
34: getting a detailing..........
35: getting modded (parts installed)..........
36: at a golf course..........
37: with a sports motorbike..........
38: outside a fire station ..........
39: as a 'King of the Hill' (outdoors, on top of a hill, side of a cliff, etc.)..........
40: hiding in the dark..........
41: by a fire..........
42: in a storm..........
43: next to a broken down car..........
44: blocked in by other cars..........
45: next to a waterfall.........
46: next to a HOTTIE! (female)..........
48: with a fish. (Fresh caught one or stuffed. It all counts)..........
49: Your Cougar by a tunnel..........
50: next to a British service member in uniform..........
51: Your Cougar in front of a strip club..........
52: with a rainbow in the backround..........
53: with a dinosaur..........
54: representing/supporting your favorite football team..........
55: with a live cow..........
56: next to your favorite pub..........
57: next to a British service member in uniform..........
58: parked between two identical cars..........
59: with a real boat..........
60: with a nuclear power plant in the background..........
61: Your Cougar with at least four other Cougars of the same color (thats five total Cougars)..........
62: your Cougar next to an old military vehicle (such as an old tank, military transport, etc.)..........
63: driving thru an OPEN drive through restaurant. You must also be at the window..........
64: Tight Cougar!!! Lets see your Cougar with as many people in it as you can fit..........

I will kick it all off:

1 - On Axle stands with all wheels removed


2: with a teddy bear..........
will get it today no probs infront of grandstand. so this one is sorted. cant get it till after 7.30 . the rally is using it till then dam them
sorry for not gettin the isle of man one. broke my toe between the post and now.