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Not brilliant, but I'm NOT a photographer & I was slightly inebriated!!
Click to enlarge
L to R:- Jeza, Neil, Gemma, Stewart, Tim, Chris & Stewart
Jo:- "You can't possibly tell me you're not
you've had half a shandy!!"
Chris:- "When they took the straight jacket
off my arms were like this for ages"
Kev:- S'funny that 'cos mine stayed
like this for at least an hour"
Neil:- "I've got 2 'cos I'm trying to catch up!!"
Chris:- "After a couple of days my arms went like this"
Stewart:- "If I stand on my tippytoes I can
just about see down there"
(The camera NEVER lies Stewart!!)
I'm trying to edit some others because they didn't come out to well, if I
manage it I'll post 'em up later.
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