Here we go, my pics from the weekend.
Met up with Rod first, then it was mini ( 2 car) convoy time , great view Rod
Looking good Rod
Mutual Photo taking
The Kings Beast up close
Nice rims Rod
Nice collection of pussiecats!
Silver Rules!
Our Domain
Whats this???
Kulley & Mrs Singh, Becky
Oh Happy Days, Becky, Maz & Jez
Ria's curry starts to take effect! (it was lovely Ria!)
Kully, Bob, Stupid But Curious (Bobs mate) & Stewart the lurker!
Neils latest mod, the denim quilted look
Rod really wants to be a chav
Need I say anymore!
Rich B's Beast!
Then it was in Ria's pocket!
The Half Yard of Ale comp starts.
Who's next?
44 seconds Ria, not bad (for a girlie)
The Burns Man!
It was all getting a bit too much for Rich B
Some car shots!
This was the only way we could keep Mazz away from the booze!
Bob starts to struggle
And the result!
He begins his affair with the grass!
No, he did not break his legs!
It just looks that way!
A misty Sunday morning
Pickup anyone?
My personal fave
and again
and again
Club Stand at 11:30 Sunday
Club Stand at 12:30 Sunday
The Bar
Which just had to be visited!