Hi and welcome to ukcougar.com, your in the right place for all things cougar related, as well as some crazy banter. You will also be able to find all the fixes you need in our subscriber sections. Have a browse around the open forums and get a feel for the place. Remember! ukcougar.com is the only workshop manual for the big cat.
Hi mate and welcome to the home of the Cougar. What part of Bristol are you from? I visit my brother in Keynsham occasionally.
Excellent forum you have here guys.
Quick question, in the subscriber sections does it show me how to repair the cougar and how to modify it, the cars in the garge are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I cant find a ford workshop manual any where so if this forum has all the information i need i would be more than happy to subscribe
Thanks for the welcome guys!! j 18 is that cribbs?
Hello and welcome DreDD, good to hear you have picked yourself up a very exclusive motor. I'm just down in Exeter, so not too far from you. Any no, Jnct 18 isn't the Cribbs turn off, that's Jnct 17...but not too far off lol. Anyway welcome aboard - get some pic's up of your Coug soon.
@ dick I come from Yate, a town on the out skirts of bristol
@ dick I come from Yate, a town on the out skirts of bristol