This is a heads up for all members on here..
Our licence for this forum expires in 4 weeks. We have no option but to move the forum to the newer style of software that NECO are using as licences and updates for our version are no longer available.
This is going to mean altering the entire forum structure and system as the way the new software is coded will not work with what we have in place at the minute..
Nothing will be lost but cosmetics are going to have to change and I am limited to what we can have at the minute as web support is very poor..
The other thing that is going to take a long time will be the garage. It wont be lost but it wont be back straight away either.
I will be taking the forum down for a week from the 22nd March 2010
The reason for the long amount of time is so I am not busting a nut to change everything in 2-3 days.. Also the new software will be a learning curve for me as I have only played with a demo.
For those members that were here when I first started this is as big a job as moving us from the old forum.
I will remind you all closer to the time but myself and JJ thought it would be decent if we warned you as soon as we knew.
Any questions feel free to ask them in here..
Our licence for this forum expires in 4 weeks. We have no option but to move the forum to the newer style of software that NECO are using as licences and updates for our version are no longer available.
This is going to mean altering the entire forum structure and system as the way the new software is coded will not work with what we have in place at the minute..
Nothing will be lost but cosmetics are going to have to change and I am limited to what we can have at the minute as web support is very poor..
The other thing that is going to take a long time will be the garage. It wont be lost but it wont be back straight away either.
I will be taking the forum down for a week from the 22nd March 2010
The reason for the long amount of time is so I am not busting a nut to change everything in 2-3 days.. Also the new software will be a learning curve for me as I have only played with a demo.
For those members that were here when I first started this is as big a job as moving us from the old forum.
I will remind you all closer to the time but myself and JJ thought it would be decent if we warned you as soon as we knew.
Any questions feel free to ask them in here..